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DGX GH200 vs GH200 vs H100


What’s the difference between a DGX GH200, a GH200, and an H100? #

Chart version #

graph LR A[DGX GH200 Supercomputer] B[DGX GH200 Machine] C[GH200] A -->|contains 32x| B B -->|contains 8x| C C -->|contains| D["1x H100 GPU +
1x Grace CPU"] style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style B fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px style C fill:#dfd,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px

Text version #

  • 1x DGX GH200
    • Contains 256x GH200s (“Grace Hoppers”)
      • Each GH200 contains 1x H100 and 1x Grace CPU

DGX GH200 Machine & Supercomputer #

The DGX GH200 machine has 8x GH200s.

The DGX GH200 system (supercomputer) has 256x GH200s,1 i.e. 32 DGX GH200 machines.

Thanks to Rajveer.

DGX GH200 Release Date #

“NVIDIA DGX GH200 supercomputers are expected to be available by the end of [2023]”2

GH200 (GH200 Superchip / “Grace Hopper”) #

The GH200 contains 1x H100 GPU and 1x Grace CPU3