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Guides for Running Falcon-40B (Base, Instruct, Uncensored) on GPU Clouds

Falcon-40B is interesting, but running it isn’t as easy as it could be. So Siddharth wrote guides and did video tutorials to cover running all the Falcon-40B variants on 3 GPU clouds that I like for large VRAM GPUs.

Models #

We are going to use the following HF models:

Running on Runpod #

The process of running the model on Runpod is straightforward and the same for all three models. You can follow the video tutorial covering deploying Falcon-40B below to get started. The steps of deploying other models are the same in the case of Runpod.

Steps to deploy Falcon-40B Family on Runpod #

  1. Sign up for Runpod
  2. Add $10 to your balance
  3. Go to the console and click deploy under ‘1x A100 80GB’

GPU Cloud Pricing for Falcon-40B
Note: This is the pricing of the 1xA100 80GB instance at the time of writing. You might see different pricing

  1. From the templates, select the TheBloke LLMs template. Click Customize Deployment and add another 200 GB of storage space.
    Launch Console
  2. Once, you have made the changes click on Set Overrides and click Continue.
    Launch Console
  3. This will bring you to the final summary screen before we can deploy our server. Click on the Deploy button to provision the server.
    Launch Console Summary Screen
  4. To access your running server, go to your Runpod Dashboard and click on the Connect Button on the Pod Instance.
    Runpod Dashboard
  5. The template we used starts Oobabooga’s Text Generation WebUI and starts serving on the port:7860 of the deployed server. When you click on Connect, you can see the following options in the list.
    Runpod Dashboard
  6. Click on the Connect to HTTP Service [Port 7860] and it will open up another tab on your browser with the Text Generation WebUI running on your deployed server.
    Runpod Dashboard
  7. To deploy our Falcon-40B models, we will first need to download the models. First, go to the Model Tab located at the top of the application. You will find the following similar interface.
    Runpod Dashboard Model Tab
  8. To download the model, you can type the Hugging Face model IDs of the respective model you would like to run. We are going to use the following models from Hugging Face:
  1. Type the model ID on the download panel and click on download. It will take some time to load the models.

Runpod Dashboard Model Download
13. Once, the model has been downloaded, we will load our model to start generating text. But before loading the model, make sure that you have enabled the trust-remote-code option on the model options.
Runpod Dashboard Model Download
14. Now, to load the model, click on the 🔄 button beside the Model Dropdown. This will refresh the installed models. Your newly downloaded should now be reflected. Click on your newly installed model and it should automatically start loading the model. Once, it’s done it will show “Model successfully loaded”.
Runpod Dashboard Model Download
15. Then we can proceed to the first tab Text Generation and start asking questions as follows:
Runpod Dashboard Model Download

Running on Fluidstack #

The process of running the model on Fluidstack is similar for Falcon-40B and Falcon-40B-Instruct. While, for Falcon-40-Uncensored, we will be using a different command for getting it up and running. You can follow the video tutorial covering deploying Falcon-40B below to get started.

Steps to deploy Falcon-40B Family on Fluidstack #

The steps for deploying all models are as follows:

  1. Sign up for FluidStack
  2. Add $10 to your balance
  3. Go to the console and select Ubuntu 20.04(AI/ML) image.
    Server Console
  4. Select the RTX A6000 48GB instance and select 2 GPUs per Server from the dropdown. The instance where preconfigured servers are usually the lowest in price and you can recognise by checking the deployment time which is usually 15-20 minutes.
    Server GPUs
  5. Next, keep the username as fsuser. This will be the username you will use to login into the server. Add the SSH Public Key to the server. If you don’t have an SSH Key. Select the commitment as On Demand.
    Server Configuration
  6. Review the summary page to make sure everything is correct and click on Deploy to provision the server.
    Server Summary
  7. The server will take around 15-20 minutes to provision. Once, the server is ready, fluidstack will assign an IP that you can use connect to the server using ssh.
    Server Status
  8. Once, the server is ready, we can connect to the server using the following ssh command. Here the server-ip is the IP address of the server provisioned by Fluidstack.
ssh -i <path-to-your-private-key> fsuser@<server-ip>

Note that the username is fsuser as we configured while provisioning the server and not ubuntu or root.

  1. While in the server, create a new project directory, where we will store the data for the model and change the directory to it. For different models, we will be using different directories. For instance, for Falcon-40B-instruct, we will be using the falcon-40b-instruct directory.
mkdir falcon-40b-instruct
cd falcon-40b-instruct
  1. Now, we can directly start running the model using Text Generation Inference from Hugging Face.

  2. To run the Falcon-40B family, we can use the following commands:

  • For the Falcon-40B model, we can use the following command.
sudo docker run --gpus all --shm-size 1g -p 8080:80 -v $PWD/data:/data --model-id tiiuae/falcon-40b --max-input-length 2048 --max-total-tokens 3072 --num-shard=2 --sharded=true
  • For the Falcon-40B-Instruct model, we can use the following command.
sudo docker run --gpus all --shm-size 1g -p 8080:80 -v $PWD/data:/data --model-id tiiuae/falcon-40b-instruct --max-input-length 2048 --max-total-tokens 3072 --num-shard=2 --sharded=true

The difference between the commands for the Falcon-40B and Falcon-40B-Instruct is the --model-id parameter.

  • While, for the Falcon-40B-Uncensored model, we can use the following command.
sudo docker run --gpus all --shm-size 1g -p 8080:80 -v $PWD/data:/data --model-id ehartford/WizardLM-Uncensored-Falcon-40b --max-input-length 2048 --max-total-tokens 3072 --quantize bitsandbytes

Here we are using the --quantize parameter to quantize the model to 8-bit and not using the --num-shard and --sharded parameters as the model is not sharded.

  1. This command will start a docker container running the Text Generation Inference, on two GPU shards or one shard (in the case of Falcon-40B-uncensored). It will take some time to run the container, then it will download and convert the Model Weights and finally, will start the server which will be accessible on the <ServerIP>:8080 Endpoint.

  2. Once, it’s done loading, you can test it out by creating a quick Python script on your local device using the text-generation package. Use the following command to install the package.

pip install text-generation  

We can create a small Python script as follows:

from text_generation import Client

client = Client("http://<IP>:8080") # Replace the IP with your fluidstack assigned server
    client.generate("Who is 3rd President of USA?", max_new_tokens=15).generated_text

This should show you that the result is working.

Running on Lambda Labs #

The process of running the model on Lambda Labs is similar for Falcon-40B and Falcon-40B-Instruct. While, for Falcon-40-Uncensored, we will be using a different command for getting it up and running. You can follow the video tutorial covering deploying Falcon-40B below to get started.

Steps to deploy Falcon-40B Family on Lambda Labs #

The steps of the deploying Falcon-40B family of models are as follows:

  1. Sign up for Lambda Labs
  2. Go to the console and click deploy under ‘2x A6000 48GB’
    2x A6000 48GB
  3. To launch the instance, the launch wizard will ask for your SSH key which you can add in the SSH Keys sidebar.
    Adding SSH Key
  4. To access your running server, go to your Lambda Labs Dashboard and click on the SSH login command as shown below:
    Adding SSH Key
  5. Enter the ssh command on your terminal.
ssh ubuntu@<IPName>  
  1. While on the server, you can create a new project directory, where we will store the data for the models. For different models, we will be using different directories. For instance, for Falcon-40B, we will be using the falcon-40b directory.

Create a new directory and change the directory to it.

mkdir falcon-40b

cd falcon-40b 
  1. Now, we can directly start running the models using Text Generation Inference from Hugging Face.

  2. To run the Falcon-40B family, we can use the following commands:

  • For the Falcon-40B model, we can use the following command.
sudo docker run --gpus all --shm-size 1g -p 8080:80 -v $PWD/data:/data --model-id tiiuae/falcon-40b --max-input-length 2048 --max-total-tokens 3072 --num-shard=2 --sharded=true
  • For the Falcon-40B-Instruct model, we can use the following command.
sudo docker run --gpus all --shm-size 1g -p 8080:80 -v $PWD/data:/data --model-id tiiuae/falcon-40b-instruct --max-input-length 2048 --max-total-tokens 3072 --num-shard=2 --sharded=true

The difference between the commands for the Falcon-40B and Falcon-40B-Instruct is the --model-id parameter.

  • While, for the Falcon-40B-Uncensored model, we can use the following command.
sudo docker run --gpus all --shm-size 1g -p 8080:80 -v $PWD/data:/data --model-id ehartford/WizardLM-Uncensored-Falcon-40b --max-input-length 2048 --max-total-tokens 3072 --quantize bitsandbytes

Here we are using the --quantize parameter to quantize the model to 8-bit and not using the --num-shard and --sharded parameters as the model is not sharded.

  1. This command will start a docker container running the Text Generation Inference, on two GPU shards or one shard (in the case of Falcon-40B-uncensored). It will take some time to run the container, then it will download and convert the Model Weights and finally, will start the server which will be accessible on <ServerIP>:8080 Endpoint.

  2. Once, it’s done loading, you can test it out by creating a quick Python script by installing the text-generation package from Hugging Face.

pip install text-generation  

Now, create a small Python script as follows:

from text_generation import Client

client = Client("http://<IP>:8080") # Replace the IP with your Lambda Labs assigned server
    client.generate("Who is 3rd President of USA?", max_new_tokens=15).generated_text

This should show you that the result is working

The End #

Hope that helped!